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WFA Webinar: Spotlight – Marketing in the Metaverse (18.1.2022)

Opettaja Mia Lehto
Kategoria WFA webinars

As the digital and the “real” world increasingly intermingle in people’s everyday lives, brands have a vast new canvas in which to engage with and influence consumers

In this session, we looked at what brands are already doing in the Metaverse, how they are succeeding, and what trends are driving their expanded engagement in this space.

Speaker: Justin Peyton

Keywords: digital marketing, digitaalinen markkinointi, eStrategy, eStrategia, global marketing strategy, marketing strategy, markkinointistrategia, marketing technology, markkinointiteknologia, metaverse, WFA


Itserekisteröityminen (Opiskelija)
Itserekisteröityminen (Opiskelija)