How to succeed in digital marketing in 2020 osa 1 (11.2.2020)
Haluaisitko hyödyntää koko kurssitarjontaamme?
Who actually likes the constant interruption of flashy pop-ups and annoying advertising we run into EVERYWHERE online today? In this presentation, we will enlighten three things marketers completely have misunderstood. There things we need to change to create a sustainable future for the media landscape. How do brands need to communicate digitally to be able to be heard in the very near future?
Kouluttajat: Olli Järvilehto, Sakari Palmu
Avainsanat: brand advertising, brändimainonta, brand marketing, brändimarkkinointi, data, digitaalinen mainonta, digital advertising, digimainonta, digital marketing, digitaalinen markkinointi, ePrivacy and cookies, ePrivacy ja evästeet, FIN, machine learning, koneoppimismalli, online advertising, onlinemainonta