Englanninkieliset koulutukset

Kurssit tunnisteella "Englanninkieliset koulutukset"

Effective marketing with LinkedIn (21.8.2024)

With 1 billion members globally and 11 million in the Nordics, LinkedIn is the place for all B2B companies and many B2C companies to reach the right people at the right time with the right message.

Tune in to what the latest product updates are, what’s working and what’s not working on LinkedIn and gain insights on some hands-on tips on how to best succeed with your marketing with LinkedIn.

Speaker: Göran Sällvin

Keywords: LinkedIn, B2B, B2C, marketing, socialmedia


How to boost customer engagement and data collection (7.9.2022)

How to use interactive marketing campaigns to boost your customer engagement and data collection strategies?

Did you know that consumers are twice as likely to engage with a brand if interactive content is used?
Have you ever wondered how to build lasting relationships with your audience?
Do you need help with your data collection strategies?
Are you worried about the upcoming demise of third-party cookies?

Speaker: Gilles Lenaerts

Avainsanat: asiakasdata, CRM, customer analysis, asiakasanalysointi, customer insight, customer understanding, asiakasymmärrys, data, data-driven, data-driven marketing, datadriven marketing, first party data, interactive marketing, interaktiivinen markkinointi

AI & advertising, a consumer perspective (23.11.2020)

Digital advertising is a booming industry, and the primary business model sustaining the internet, humanity’s most important communications tool. But a new report, authored by Harriet Kingaby from the Conscious Advertising Network, argues that more needs to be done to protect consumers as AI-powered advertising grows more pervasive and sophisticated.

Speaker: Harriet Kingaby

Keywords: AI, consumers, data, ENG, juridiikka, kuluttajat, laki, law, mainonta, marketing technology, markkinointiteknologia, tekoäly

How to boost your most important KPIs and increase your ROI with interactive marketing (1.10.2020)

What is interactive marketing and how do you use it to increase website traffic? How do you turn website visitors into leads or new users? In this webinar, our international partner Qualifio and their experts will show us how to boost our most important KPI’s with interactive marketing. 

Speaker: Gilles Lenaerts

Keywords: creativity, luovuus, digital marketing, digitaalinen markkinointi, interactive marketing, interaktiivinen markkinointiKPI, leads, liiditROI

Digitaalisen asiakaskokemuksen mittaaminen / Measuring digital customer experience (26.1.2021)

Virtuaalimaailmassa asiakaskokemus on äärimmäisen keskeisessä roolissa, jotta kauppa saadaan klousattua. Tässä webinaarissa käymme digitaalisen asiakaskokemuksen mittaamisen perusteet läpi ja tutustumme erilaisiin vaihtoehtoihin mittaamisen ja analysoinnin tueksi. Mukana esittäytymässä Hotjar.

In the virtual world, customer experience plays an extremely central role in closing the deal. In this webinar, we will go through the basics of measuring digital customer experience and explore different options to support measurement and analysis. Hotjar will also be presenting (in English).

Speakers: Juuso Koivuniemi, Rory Sadler

Keywords: asiakaskokemus, customer insight, digitaalinen asiakaskokemus, measuring, mittaaminen, UX

LinkedIn Marketing Ideas (8.12.2021)

LinkedIn is a powerful media in nowaday marketing and especially in B2B marketing it's virtue in well known.

In this webinar we dig deeply into the new ways to utilize LinkedIns' potential for your companys needs.

Speaker: Rachael Glynne

Keywords: ideas, LinkedIn

B2B Idea and case day (14.10.2021)

This recording is case study rich and very practical course on B2B marketing. You will be introduced how to do more focused and lead generating B2B marketing. You will obtain an understanding of the characteristics of modern business to business (B2B) marketing. The aim is to give you inspirations though different b2b marketing case studies.

Speaker: Cecilia Francolí Belinchón, Laura Pääkkönen, Leila Mojtahedi

Keywords: b2b, b2b marketing

Digital B2B marketing overview (25.1.2021)

This course aims to give you a deeper understanding of the role of various digital channels, processes of planning a digital marketing campaign and in an integrated marketing communication. You’ll get skills to build an B2B digital marketing strategy that aligns with your company’s business goals. During the course our experts share their knowledges and ideas in B2B digital marketing.

Speakers: Elena Bezborodova, Tiina Tervonen, Mick Scheinin

Keywords: b2b, digimarkkinointi, digitaalinen markkinointi, Digital Marketing, exclude-tag, yritykseltä yritykselle markkinointi

B2B Marketing Expert: B2B Marketing Channels (1.12.2020)

This training sessions helps you to understand what is the relationship of marketing and sales funnel in B2B marketing. Siim Salme is the CEO of Fontakt Ltd that is Estonian based B2B marketing company operation globally. Siim has worked over years with different global B2B brands and shares his knowledge in this training session about traditional B2B marketing channels and targeting.

Speaker: Siim Salme

Keywords: brand marketing, brändimarkkinointi, data, digital marketing, digitaalinen markkinointi, digital sales, digitaalinen myynti, ENG, exclude-tag, marketing channels, markkinointikanavat, sales funnel, myyntiputki, social media, sosiaalinen media, targeted marketing, markkinoinnin kohdentaminen

B2B Marketing Expert: Purpose in B2B (17.11.2020)

How do meaning and purpose guide B2B marketing? How does Purpose manifest in brand operations and marketing? In this webinar, we will contemplate the significance behind B2B companies.

Speaker: Rik Haslam

Keywords: b2b, b2b Marketing Expert, brand development, brändäys, brändi, brändin kehittäminen, ENG, merkitys, purpose

B2B Marketing Expert: B2B Marketing Trends and Customer Insight (27.10.2020)

This training session is diving to B2B trends and customer insight. The aim is to help you to understand how people are behaving today and tomorrow but also give you some ideas for marketing and advertising in continuously changing environment.

Speakers: Tiina Kilpelänaho, Anna Porvari

Keywords: b2b, change, muutos, consumer behaviour, kuluttajakäyttäytyminen, Covid-19, digital marketing, digitaalinen markkinointi, ENG, future and trends, tulevaisuus ja trendit

B2B Marketing Expert: Expanding into New Markets (29.9.2020)

Speakers: Sarah Sipilä

Keywords: alueellinen markkinointi, audio search, äänihaku, audiohaku, brand marketing, brändimarkkinointi, change, muutos, consumer behaviour, kuluttajakäyttäytyminen, ENG, FIN, future and trends, tulevaisuus ja trendit, global marketing, kansainvälinen markkinointi, local marketing, lokaali markkinointi, market analysis, markkina-analyysi, market entry, markkinoille pääsy, social selling

Sustainable Brand Index (6.2.2024)

Welcome to an inspiring webinar together with Marketing Finland, SB Insight and Atria!

The theme of the webinar is “how to achieve effective sustainability communication” with SB Insight’s founder and CEO, Erik Elvingsson Hedén and Nanna Järvinen, Vice President of Brand and Marketing at Atria.

Speakers: Nanna Järvinen, Erik Elvingsson Hedén

Keywords: brand, brand strategy, insight, market trends, sustainability

How can you innovate differently in a competitive landscape? (10.4.2024)

In this webinar, we provide empirical evidence of how important it is to connect your innovation to other areas of business. Innovation is the rocket fuel for differentiation. Drive brand growth with connected innovation!

Target group: Innovators, brand builders.

Speaker: Manolis Koumantaros

Keywords: brand, innovation, behavioral science, brand strategy, brand building, consumer decision making, marketing psychology

Behavioral science and successful innovation, part 1 (3.10.2023)

Understanding the way people make decisions is fundamental to successful innovation. More so in today’s complex world, people are unpredictable and elusive. What they say is rarely what they do!

Speaker: Manolis Koumantaros

Keywords: asiakaskokemus, behavioral science, brand, brand building, brand strategy, brändi, brändi-ilme, Brändin rakentaminen, brändistrategia, brändityö, consumer decision making, innovaatio, innovation, käyttäytymistiede, marketing psychology, markkinoinnin psykologia, markkinointiviestintä, mielikuva, ostopäätös, tunnistettavuus, ulkoiset tunnisteet, visuaalinen

From digital transformation to brand transformation (23.3.2023)

In recent years marketers around the world have focused almost all their energy on digital transformation resulting in extensive fragmentation of communication. The time is now ripe for a shift in focus.

Kapero will present a way forward based on challenges and insights from real cases from major Nordic advertisers.

Some areas that will be covered: Brand vs tactical, content vs media and organisation vs budget. And as a cherry on the top; how to understand the role of Google in all this.

Speakers: Peter Lundberg, Kaj Johansson

Keywords: brand, budget, content, digital marketing, digital transformation, Google, media, tactical

Nature Inspired Branding (27.5.2020)

Nature has always been a great source of inspiration for marketing and branding. This webinar gives you guidelines on how to successfully take nature and turn it into a force of nature for your brand.

Speakers: Guillaume Collinet, Michael Boumendil

Keywords: Brand marketing, brändimarkkinointi, brand nature, brändin luonneENG, sonic branding, äänibrändäys

The power of sonic branding (Sixiéme Son) (7.4.2020)

Join Michaël Boumendil, President of Sixième Son, to learn why sonic branding is urgent and what you need to do to successfully launch your sonic brand. Can your audience recognize you with their eyes closed?

Speaker: Michaël Boumendil

Keywords: brand architecture, brändiarkkitehtuuriENG, sonic branding, äänibrändäys